
Webinar: “Connecting to the innovation ecosystems” – DG GROW WEBINAR SERIES ON INNOVATION PROCUREMENT

10:30 – 12:00 AM (CET), 16 November 2021

Discover :

  • The key elements of the ecosystem in innovation
  • How to take the right approach to the ecosystem
  • The implications for public buyers

Hosted by:

Anita Poort, Innovation and procurement policy advisor – European Commission DG GROW Unit C2, Belgium

Our speakers:

Thomas Cottinet, Head of ECOLAB – Ministére de l´Environnement, France

Ramon Maspons Bosch, Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) – Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS), Spain

Frank Kumli, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Member of the Management Board – Basel Area Business and Innovation, Switzerland

Please note that there is no entrance fee for this event.

Register here (registration deadline is 14 November 2021)

Learn more about Connecting to the innovation ecosystems: https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/45975