The consortium consists of 15 organizations from 7 European countries. All ENTRANCE partners have a strong involvement in the transport and mobility sector, each within their own mission and business area.
These organisations have long track records in EU-funded projects, including many CSAs, and are very well connected to the EU initiatives in the transport area. The consortium constitutes the perfect combination of competencies that covers the entire transport and mobility sector. The partners represent all relevant stakeholder groups and ensure direct contact with all relevant European transport and mobility initiatives and associations.
The composition of the project partners combines expertise from the areas of innovation management consultancies, the financing sector, transport, and mobility associations in all transport modes (road, rail, air, and water) as well as the IT sector.
PNO is specialised in Innovation Management, providing support services to private and public organisations in innovation processes, technology transfer, project management, and funding for research, development and innovation. PNO Group is made up of a pool of more than 400 professionals across 7 Member States, including scientists, engineers, consultants, Brussels policy advisory service, as well as financial and IT experts. The growth of the company can be attributed to a unique combination of services, based on profound insight in research and innovation strategies, up-to-date knowledge and nearly 30 years of experience.
Along with a wide European client base, PNO has a relevant and extensive network that is guaranteed by several innovation and support actions that the company coordinates and executes in the framework of European Funding Programmes. In fact, PNO is involved in and coordinates numerous coordination, research and innovation projects aimed at creating new innovative solutions, awareness creation, business consultancy, and technology transfer activities.

ITS Norge – Norsk forening for multimodale intelligente transport systemer og tjenester
ITS Norway is a membership association for all actors in the transportation industry. The association has about 70 members from all modes of transport, research, industries, and from public transportation agencies. The network covers passengers and freight operations in all modes; sea, air, rail and road. ITS Norway has activities in Oslo, Trondheim and Bergen in addition to a growing interest from Kongsberg and Bodø. The association is running several platforms/conferences/expert networks like ITS in tunnels, Open data, eNavigation and Smart Cities. ITS Norway is a member of The European Technology Platform ALICE and ITS Nationals.
The organisation works with government authorities, research institutes and universities in order to foster and expand the knowledge-base and stimulate education and training within the ITS-sector. ITS Norway’s activities are framed by trends like Autonomous driving, Cooperative Systems, Emission-Free Vehicles and Smarter Mobility.

Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón
Located in the Northeast of Spain, Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón is a non-profit technology centre whose main objective is to promote competitiveness in the industrial sector by means of the development, acquisition, adaptation, transfer and diffusion of innovative technologies. Its staff is composed of 231 employees. Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón has five technological divisions: Materials and Components, Mechatronics and Robotics, Power Electronics Systems, ICT for Industrial Processes, and Big Data and IA Technologies.
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón is member of the Enterprise Europe Network since its inception in 2008. The Enterprise Europe Network is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions, funded by the European Commission. The support services are focused in helping companies innovate and grow on an international scale. The Network provides its services in more than 60 countries worldwide.

European Shippers’ Council
The European Shippers’ Council, established in 1963, is a non-profit European organisation representing cargo owners i.e. freight transport interests of around 75.000 companies throughout Europe, whether manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers (import and export, intercontinental). Collectively they are referred to as ‘shippers’ as neutral user of transport (all modes: air; road, rail, waterborne). The global European Shippers’ Council´s
network consists of national shippers’ associations, European commodity trade association (e.g. chemical, steel, paper) and corporate members among which well-known multinational brands.
European Shippers’ Council aims at creating a level playing field in Europe and between continents and works closely with Asian Shippers’ Association (ASA), American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI), together forming the Global Shippers Alliance (GSA). European Shippers’ Council runs expert policy ‘councils’ in which harmonisation issues are discussed ranging from measurable freight KPI’s to trade facilitation and labour laws.
